Bank-Owned Properties
Below is a list of properties that The Bank of Commerce presently owns. For each property a link is included to the realtor that is presently listing the property for the Bank. If you have a problem with the link or have any other questions, please contact Larry Rouse at (941) 328-6470.
- 15,500 SF Industrial Building for sale in the Clark Road corridor.

- Building can be utilized as a multi-tenant owner/investment or a free standing single user building.
- Building is currently separated into 4 units.
- All tenants are on month to month occupancy.
- Great parcel of land, downtown

- Sarasota on a lighted intersection.
- Downtown Core (DTC) allows for a wide range of developments from Retail to Multi-Family.
- City would prefer some type of mixed development.
- Property consists of 218, 210 & 204 East Avenue.
- PID # 2028-13-0073, 2028-13-0072, 2028-13-0071
- 154,323 SF Vacant

- Parcel zoned ORD: Allowable for office, residential or a hybrid of both
- 25 units per acre residential and up to 68,000 SF for office jointly on the same site
- Great frontage on Fruitville Road
- 26.48 acre site; consisting of a 6.35 acre parcel and 20.13 acre parcel, which can be sold separately

- Approved for 236,587 sq ft of retail or 221,587 sq ft of retail and up to 100-room hotel
- Adjacent to retail centers containing PetSmart, Kohl's, Home Depot and Wal-mart
- Near Port Charlotte Town Center
- Multiple office condominium units in a Class A two-story office building in the Sawyer Oaks Professional Park.

- There are 8 units on the first floor and 14 units on the second floor with a common entryway/lobby in the front of the building.